โTUHH members are explicitly encouraged and helped to make their scientific findings in research and teaching publicly available and to try out new forms of open collaboration.โ
โ Open Access Policy TUHH
When the Executive Board of the TUHH publicly named Open Access as a strategic goal in March 2013, it was at the same time aware that this goal could only be achieved with concrete support. Therefore, an official OA Representative was appointed at the TUHH. Since then, this task has been performed by the director of the library.
What do the OA Representative and her team actually do?

Open Access Representative
The Open Access Representative and the Open Access Team at the tub. are available to all university members as a central point of contact for advice and information about Open Access. Regular activities include, first of all, answering questions. Information on copyright and Open Access has long been communicated to the university through the library. Accordingly, we are often asked for advice. Feel free to call us or send your question to openaccess@tuhh.de openaccess@tuhh.de.
Often it is about money
Publication fees are often charged for open access articles. At the latest, the search for a funding option begins at the time of submission. Under certain circumstances, we can cover the fee. For this purpose, the tub. Open Access Publication Fund was set up in 2013. This funds articles in pure open access journals (Gold OA). In addition, you can benefit from TUHH’s participation in the DEAL contract and other open access agreements. Information on funding is available Friday (10/29/2021) in a separate blog post.
Overview in the journal jungle
Actually, you know your subject very well. Quality assurance is an essential part of science. Nevertheless, you probably don’t know every journal well enough to be able to assess its seriousness with certainty. Dubious offers that do not meet the criteria of good scientific practice therefore require checking the trustworthiness of journals and conferences.
Think – Check – Submit is a website that offers a clear checklist for assessment. By asking different questions, authors can check various criteria before submitting an article. For conferences, Think – Check – Attend can be used. If you ask us about open access journals, we also initially refer to the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).
Uploading and copying allowed?
We do not give legal advice, but with many of our answers we probably already help you. At the same time, we recommend the use of Creative Commons licenses. This way, interested parties can clearly see what reuse you allow for their own publications.
Putting articles open access after all?
For many paid journals, the preprint can be published freely and citable worldwide after a few months via the so-called Green Path on TORE. TORE is the research information system and repository of the TUHH. We have provided further information on TORE in this Open Access Week 2020 article. If you have any questions about secondary publication and uploading, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We will be happy to advise you on Open Access
You can reach the Open Access team via mail openaccess@tuhh.de.
Please also feel free to take part in our Open Access consultation hours via Zoom (identification code: 190591) if you have questions regarding Open Access (every Friday from 10:00 am to 10:30 am).

Frauke Wienert
Team Open Access
+49 40 42878 2472

Florian Hagen
Team Open Access
+49 40 42878 3003

Beate Rajski
TUHH Open Access Commissioner
+49 40 42878 3004
Open, virtual office hours on the topic of Open Access (27.10.2021)
As part of Open Access Week 2021, we are offering an open, virtual office hour on Open Access on 10/27/2021. Feel free to bring your questions or just take the opportunity to get to know the Open Access team:
- Access link
- Date: 27.10.2021
- Time: 09:00am to 10:00am
More about the Open Access Week 2021:
# OAWeek2021: tub.torials – a review of thoughts, ideas, and materials on openness in science, research, and teaching
#OAWeek2021:ย It Matters How We Open Knowledge โ โbreak chatterโ as audio recording and transcript
#OAWeek2021: How do I fund my journal article?
OAWeek2021: Basics on Open Access at TUHH โ Glossary and open, virtual Q&A session
#OAWeek2021 Why I support Open Science
#OAWeek2021: Welcome to Open Access Week 2021