Update: tub.talk slides TORE – ein Service für Sie
Research Information System and Repository
TUHH Open Research (TORE) is a combined repository and research information system that provides a service for the scientists of the TUHH.
In TORE with its repository function, full texts of publications can be stored. They receive a DOI and thus become citable. Preprints and doctoral theses are entered as first publications, publications with accepted manuscripts and Open Access with the publisher PDF can also be entered in TORE. In TORE you can also publish your research data with a DOI.
As the research information system of the TUHH, TORE has been mapping the institutes and researchers, publications, third-party funded projects and collaborations of the institutes since 2019. Project data is transferred from the Third-Party Funding Department into TORE and can be edited and activated by project leaders and FIS representatives of the institutes. The library, as the operator of TORE, enters recent TUHH publications for the scientists, which are provided by Scopus. Missing publications can be entered by yourself: e.g. scientific articles, conference contributions, book contributions and books, doctoral theses as well as posters.
TORE is accessible wordwide at tore.tuhh.de without registration.
The institute page in TORE
You can access the pages of the institutes via the list of institutes. The first tab shows contact information and cooperation partners. The second tab shows the current research assistants. On the third tab you will find all publications. Full texts are marked. Current and completed research projects are listed on the next tabs.
On the project page, you will find the title and description, duration, participating institutes, project management and project collaboration as well as information on sponsors and funding programs. On the page of the donor you can find all projects of a donor. The project management can link projects with publications that have been funded by this project.
Page of a scientist
The pages of the scientific staff can be reached via the staff list or via the search. Contact information from the contact database, publications and projects are also displayed here. For persons, editorships and supervised doctoral theses are also displayed on tabs.
Data quality – we need your help
Please support us to have your data in TORE correctly.
- Activate the e-mail notifications.
To be informed about new publications, please log in to the system once. You will then receive notifications about new publications. - Control of publication records.
If you find errors in publication records, please use the feedback function on the right side of the page. Currently, you cannot make improvements to publication records by yourself. - Add full text of you publication
With this button you can add the PDF, if you have the right to upload. Depending on the rights situation, you can add the accepted manuscripts or the publisher’s version.
TORE will work for you
The ORCID iD helps to clearly identify you as a researcher. The German National Library also likes to use your ORCID iD to assign publications to your person.
- Store your ORCID iD in TORE
If you authenticate TORE against ORCID, new publications from TORE can be sent to your ORCID profile. - Automatic publication lists on TUHH websites
Via a Typo3 plugin publication lists can be generated from TORE. You only need to enter new publications in TORE, they will appear automatically on your website. - The research report and parts of the statistics for the annual report of the Hamburg University of Technology are generated from TORE since 2019. A separate data query is no longer necessary.
Questions and Help about TORE
If you have any questions regarding research data, Open Access, the research information system and data collection for the research report: Contact us!
We are looking forward to your suggestions.
More about the Open Access Week 2020: