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#OAWeek2021: How do I fund my journal article?

Are you planning to publish in a journal and don’t know what funding options are possible? The TU Library can provide funding for articles in a number of ways. Our Publishing Fund enables the financing of articles in pure Open Access journals (Gold OA). If the criteria for funding are met, TU members can submit a funding request through the OA website. Furthermore, TUHH’s participation in the DEAL agreement allows OA publishing in hybrid and gold journals published by SpringerNature and Wiley.

We have illustrated in a flowchart which questions you need to ask to find out whether the criteria for funding are met and what the workflow looks like after a funding application has been approved. For optimal display, the “Fullscreen” option (top right) should be selected within the H5P element.

If you have any questions about Open Access and funding an article, please feel free to write to us at openaccess@tuhh.de.

What have we funded in 2020?

As part of the OpenAPC initiative, all APC payments made by the TU Library are published as Open Data. This provides an overview of the costs related to the TUHH, at the same time showing to which publishers the money flowed:

In 2020, the tub. publication fund financed pure gold open access articles with a total amount of โ‚ฌ65,157. There are also articles with the publishers SpringerNature and Wiley that run via the DEAL contract.

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