Citation analyses, so-called bibliometric methods, allow a quantitative evaluation of scholarly journals (via the impact factor) as well as the evaluation of the publishing activities of persons and institutions. They play an even larger role in the evaluation of research performances in the light of narrow financial resources.
Web of Science
Database of the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI, today belonging to Clarivate Analytics), which includes the Science Citation Index published since the 1960s. Priorly represented are disciplines, which normally publish in English and in journals. Conference proceedings are not analyzed! No concrete statements about the evaluation of publications via Web of Science are possible for subject areas of the TUHH, which mainly publish in German.
Multidisciplinary abstract and citation database of the publisher Elsevier. As with the competitor database Web of Science citation analysis as well as further sophisticated research strategies are possible with Scopus.
Google Scholar
Google service for scholarly research, shich also show citations, which can be tracked. Includes expecially scholarly journals with indexed full texts from commercial publishers. User without access authorization to the equivalent full text can onyl view the abstract.
Since 2011 scholars can create a personal profile with the service “Google Scholar Citations” (GSC). Using the freely available software Publish & Perish of Anne-Wil Harzing Google Scholar can be used for further citation analyses.
The often used indicator “Impact-Factor” refer to the evaluation of a journal. This “Journal Impact Factor” is calculated by dividing the number of current year citations to all the source items published in that journal during the previous two years. So an impact factor of 15 for a journal implies, that every article of the specifc journal from the previous two years got 15 citations in average in the following year. Using the database “Journal Citation Reports” you can search for and compare impact factors. An indicator for the personal reasearch performance is the so-called h-index (Hirsch index).
Limits of citation analyses
- General challenge, that citations sometimes were made without a real rational reason, and that papers, which results are wrong or corrected afterwards, may also be often cited.
- Common subject-specific practices of publishing should be kept in mind when interpreting citation results (average quantity of publication per scholar, practice to publish mainly via conference proceedings, language of publication)
For Questions and Consulting
Dr. Gunnar Weidt
Telephone: +49 40 42878 3010
Visibility and impact for authors
Make sure that your publications can be fully attributed to you. To do this, you should always include your ORCID iD as the author identifier for publications. If you also create an author profile at Publons (Web of Science) or Google Scholar Citations and clean up your author profile in Scopus, you can ensure that your publications are fully attributed to you.
ORCID: one ID for every researcher
ORCID stands for “Open Researcher & Contributor iD”. It provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized. Use your ORCID iD whereever you can. Detailed information about ORCID at TUHH can be found at:
Author profiles
We recommend that you maintain the following profiles in literature databases with citation evaluation so that your publications are fully represented:
Google Scholar Profil
If publications of yours are listed in Google Scholar, then you can create a profile with a publication list and thus improve your visibility in Google Scholar.
- An account with Google is required. Please log in to your account.
- Create your profile at Google Scholar:
- Enter your affiliation (Hamburg University of Technology) according to the TUHH affiliation policy and confirm this affiation with your TUHH email address.
- Then select your own publications from the suggested ones.
- To avoid incorrect assignments, refrain from automatically updating your profile. Instead, have notifications sent to you about new suggestions.
- Publications that you subsequently wish to make publicly available can usually be published via TUHH Open Research (TORE).
Google offers extensive help:
Scopus Author ID
Scopus automatically creates an author profile (called Scopus Author ID) for every author – as soon as one of their publications is listed in the database. However, these profiles can be incomplete or incorrect. Please check your profile, make necessary corrections, and link it to your ORCiD record.
If you have any publications listed in Scopus, follow the instructions below.
- Follow the link in TUHH intranet or use the free author lookup
- Search for your name using your last name and the first initial of your first name (for example Baume, M), using the author search.
- Select your profile from the results by clicking on your name. If you have multiple profiles, select the profile with the most complete information. If you do not find yourself, search your publication and click on your author name.
- Check your profile and add your ORCiD ID.
- Usually you have to create your own account for Scopus or log in with your Scopus account.
Did you find errors in your profile, or multiple profiles?
- Click on “Request author detail corrections” on the right side of the author profile screen, or use the Scopus Author Feedback Wizard at
Scopus automatically attributes new publications to Scopus Author IDs. However, errors might happen, so keep an eye on your Scopus publication list with regard to your new publications.
In order to export your Scopus publication list and add it to your ORCiD record, click on „Add to ORCiD“ on the right side, or use the link
Via your Scopus Author ID, you can now be identified unambiguously in Scopus. Your publications in Scopus are correctly attributed to you, and they will be taken into account for the calculation of your h-index.
Instructions by Technische Universität München, Universitätsbibliothek licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Web of Science: ResearcherID
The ResearcherID is the author identification number for the literature database Web of Science. The authors profile offers the option of entering an organisation and presenting reviewer activities for publications and research proposals in addition to an overview of publications and bibliometric informations
Edit you profile here:
You can synchronise your Web of Science profile with your ORCID profile.
Former Publons profiles have been transferred to Web of Science in 08/2022 and are no longer available.
TUHH Affiliation Guideline
Publications by scientists of the TUHH should be clearly attributable to the TU Hamburg. In addition to the individual benefit the authors derive from their publications or research findings being better known, the visibility of the TUHH as a university overall and in rankings is enhanced at the same time.
The specification of affiliation is standardized and bindingly regulated in the TUHH guideline on institutional affiliation in research publications (Affiliation Guideline). The guidelines apply to everybody at the TUHH who is engaged in scientific work. Increasing the dissemination, citation and effect of publications by TUHH faculty members and academics is to be optimized by a complete and correct attribution that facilitates indexing of the publications indatabase systems.
Download TUHH Affiliation Guideline