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Theses at TUHH

All dissertations written at TUHH are also archived at TUB. In doing so, we offer you the possibility to also make the full text available online as Open Access free for all and thus offer it to a broad public. TUHH Open Research (TORE) is available for this purpose.

If you publish in parallel with a publisher, you must make sure that the rights for parallel publication are available. Most publishers allow parallel publication on a university-owned “institutional repository” such as TUHH Open Research.

You should also post your dissertation on TORE without full text with the descriptive metadata. This will automatically list your work in the TUHH annual report.

TUHH Open Resesearch (TORE)

TUHH Open Research (TORE) - the Open Access repository of the TU Hamburg- graphics

Congratulations: you have passed your oral doctoral examination and now all that is missing is the publication of your dissertation according to § 15 of the Doctoral Regulations.

We recommend the digital publication of your dissertation thesis on TUHH Open Research (TORE), the open access repository of the TUHH. This allows your work to be read online worldwide and appreciated even more!

TORE provides uniform, centralized and public access to digital, scientific documents generated at TUHH. Your work is stored permanently and citable. At the same time, we ensure that information about your work is distributed worldwide.

We are looking forward to your dissertation!

Hints for publishing

When publishing your dissertation, please keep the following points in mind, which we would like to point out to you:

Technical aspects

Registration to TORE

Please use the following questions to check how best to make your dissertation available on TORE. If you have any questions, please contact us before you begin the submission process.

  • You have not used TORE yet and do not have a login from the TUHH Data Centre (anymore)?

Please register in TORE to upload the dissertation with an extra account using an external mail address.

  • You have already used TORE with your TUHH-Account and the account is still active?

If it is expected that your account will be deactivated after the promotion and you would like to continue using TORE after deactivation (for example, to complete the publication), please use the “Migrate to Local Account” function in TORE. You will then be asked to set a new mail address and password for the local account. From this point on, please log in to TORE exclusively using the external mail address, even if your TUHH Data Centre login is still working!

  • You have already used TORE with your TUHH-Account and the account has already expired?

Please contact us. In this case, we can change your account to an external mail address. Please give us a mail address to which you have access. After the account transfer you will receive an eMail to this mail address with the request to set a new password for the then local account.

Preparing your file


Publishing on TORE is only possible for accessible documents, which means that the document must not be copy-protected or access-protected. This is a requirement of the German National Library in order to be able to guarantee the long-term archiving of the document. If you do not want to do without copy protection, you can only make metadata of the document available via TORE. In this case, publication with full text is not possible.

Identifier for better assignment

Identifiers facilitate referencing or attribution when the PDF is found via a search engine, for example.

  • DOI (Digital Object Identifier) – You will be assigned a DOI when filling in the metadata in TORE, which will later uniquely identify your publication on the web and make it citable. You can include this DOI in your full text, for example on the back of your title page in the case of your dissertation. If you want to do this, save the publication form in TORE temporarily (this is possible on every form page) and upload the full text only after you have inserted the DOI.
  • ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) – We also recommend including your ORCID iD in the document (also on the back of the title page, for example).Here’s what the inclusion of your ORCID iD might look like on the return of the title page:
    Full ORCID iD

Format for long-term archiving

To ensure readability of documents over several decades on any computer, you should upload your dissertation only as PDF files using one of the two archive formats PDF/A or PDF/X, if possible.

  • PDF/A-1b:2005(RGB) or PDF/A-2b:2005(RGB) are optimized for online publication
  • PDF/X-3:2002 is optimized for print production

PDF/A or PDF/X conform documents can visually reproduce the same content on different computers with different operating systems and under different printing environments. For example, PDF/A has been a stable, internationally accepted ISO standard for long-term archiving since 2005. Such formats embed all fonts and color profile information in the document, for example. A guide to creating these formats can be found on the TU Berlin web pages.

Adjusting the metadata in your PDF

The descriptive metadata in the PDF file itself should not be left to chance. To do this, refer to the notes from the TU Berlin. These also provide tips on customizing the view when opening the file, as well as creating a bookmarks bar. The license under which the document is held can also be specified in the PDF’s metadata.

Naming the PDF file

We recommend that you choose a file name for your PDF document that is meaningful, i.e. “speaking” and individual, such as: Last_First_Name_Title-of-Dissertation.pdf. Special characters (such as umlauts) and spaces in the file name should be avoided if possible.

No exchange of files after publication

Please ensure that your submitted file is the final, approved version and that the requirements (e.g., regarding cover page) are included.

For online publication, the Curriculum Vitae (CV) is not necessary because of privacy purposes. We recommend removing it from the file. Subsequent replacement of the full text file in TORE is not possible! Therefore, please consider *before* publishing whether the CV should be included or not.

License for subsequent use

In addition to the standard license for publishing on TORE (see the next point), we recommend granting a Creative Commons license such as CC BY 4.0 in the spirit of open access. By doing so, you create legal certainty for subsequent use/storage by others on other platforms. Your copyright remains unaffected. In case of using a CC license, you could ideally also list it in the PDF (look above).

This is what your license statement might look like on the back of your title page:

Creative Commons License Agreement
The text is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0) license unless otherwise noted. This means that it may be reproduced, distributed and made publicly available, even commercially, provided that the author, the source of the text and the above-mentioned license are always mentioned. The exact wording of the license can be accessed at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode.

Please note: For dissertations published by a publishing house, a CC license may only be granted in agreement with the publisher.

License for publication

At the end of the upload process, you must accept the TORE license agreement (standard license). By doing so, you transfer to tub. the right to digitally store the transmitted document and to make it publicly accessible in data networks. At the same time you assure that no rights of third parties are violated by such a publication. Your rights for other utilization remain unaffected. You also expressly permit the creation of copies for the purpose of long-term archiving. A transfer of data to the German National Library is permitted. Regularly we deliver all publications with full text to the German National Library.

Further aspects regarding the publication process

German and English abstract

Please remember to include the German and English language abstract prepared as part of the dissertation process in the metadata for your dissertation.

Publish in a publishing house

If you publish your dissertation in a publishing house that fulfills the conditions stated in the doctoral regulations (minimum print run of 150 copies or five-year availability), you must submit three publisher’s copies to tub. You must also present the publisher’s confirmation on minmum print run or availability. We will then sign your routing slip for the TUHH examination office.

Additional publication via our open access repository TORE is voluntary in this case and can also take place much later. A prerequisite for uploading is that your publishing contract of the printed publication allows parallel publication on a university document server. This is a matter of negotiation, many of the dissertation publishers allow it, but sometimes it costs more with the publisher.

Please note: If you have already published your dissertation with a publisher, granting a CC license for online publication on TORE is usually not allowed. Unless the publisher(s) contract explicitly allows it.

Delivery of print copies

For an exclusive publication on TORE, you must submit 3 printed copies of your dissertation to the TUB. Before we sign your routing slip for the examination office at TUHH, your dissertation must be uploaded to TORE and approved by us. The submission of the printed copies is only possible after the approval. You will receive an email once the approval has been granted.

Every publication goes through a formal review within the library before final publication! Therefore, you should have uploaded your dissertation to TUHH Open Research at least 2 days before handing in the print copies.

To the submission options:

  • Dissertations can be dropped off on site between 9am and 2pm.
  • If you opt for postal delivery, please use the following address:

Technische Universitätsbibliothek
Dissertations- und Tauschstelle
Denickestr. 22 J
21073 Hamburg

  • It is possible to hand in via the in-house mail.
  • Outside of opening hours, the mailbox can be used. It is located to the left of the library entrance on the wall. Your dissertation should be enclosed in an envelope for this submission method.

Research Data

Research data (e.g., measurement and survey data, laboratory values, audiovisual information, texts, software, or simulations) that were created in the course of the dissertation can be archived for the long term – for example, on TUHH Open Research – and made reusable and citable. A link between your dissertation and the data is thus possible.

Questions about dissertations and TORE?

Universitätsbibliothek TU Hamburg

Dissertation and exchange office
Angela Brunke

E-mail: bib-dissertationen@tuhh.de
Phone: +49 40 42878 3312

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