TUHH Open Research (TORE) – formerly known as tub.dok – is the repository for open access publications and research data and the Research Information System of Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH).
Here you will find full-text publications and datasets freely available from members of the TUHH. The spectrum includes journal articles, conference contributions and reports as well as dissertations written at the TUHH.
Your publication is missing? Members of TUHH can publish scientfic papers and research data created at TUHH on TORE for worldwide and free access. If you have already left TUHH, please register for a local account.
Deposit Licence
For publication, the standard license for publishing in TORE applies. It regulates the rights and obligations for you and us in seven short points.
Notes on Publication
Any kind of scientific material can be published on TUHH Open Research (TORE). These requirements need to be fulfilled:
- The document or data has to be associated with the TUHH (e.g. it was part of the work of a TUHH staff member or a postgraduate)
- For any kind of work from students the publication needs to be scientificly relevant. This needs to be confirmed by a TUHH scientific staff member.
The scientific relvance can be confirmed using this form. Please submit a signed version when uploading your work, if you are a student and want to publish on TORE. - For questions regarding the publication of TUHH bachelor and master theses please use the mail address tore@tuhh.de.
Please check our hints for publishing your dissertation on TORE
Every publication undergoes a formal check within the library before final publication!
Long term archiving and DOI
Each publication receives a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) upon publication. This makes the publication permanently citable when changing server addresses and storage locations. All files are stored at long-term storage at RRZ Universität Hamburg. At the same time, the literature files are permanently archived by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek.
You can link your profile in TORE to your ORCID iD. This ensures that your publications are clearly linked to your person: ORCID in TUHH Open Research.
In case of questions please send an email to tore@tuhh.de or contact our specialists.