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ORCID Login improvement for DSpace-CRIS

The ORCID registration process will be improved for the DSpace-CRIS repository software. This is a facilitation for new and existing users who have not yet connected their account to ORCID. DSpace is the most widely used repository software in the world. This project will directly benefit all DSpace users, including many users in the Global Participation Fund focus group.

Project in TUHH Open Research

Global Participation Fund (GPF)
01.02.2023-31.01.2024Oliver Goldschmidt
Beate Rajski

Open-Access-Publikationskosten / 2022-2024 / Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)

With the funding support of the DFG through the “Open Access Publication Costs” program, the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) is further expanding the opportunities for OA publishing for its scientists*. Through the TUHH Publication Fund, which has been offered since 2013, the publication of original scientific articles in quality-assured, genuine Open Access journals is supported by assuming publication costs in compliance with the funding conditions. DFG funding is used to optimize and expand existing administrative and technical structures. The strengthening of the culture of publishing in Open Access in technical, natural science and engineering disciplines can thus be continuously pursued and helped to shape. The topic of Open Access is accompanied by established and new supporting public relations measures in order to enable as many authors as possible to access the university’s Open Access offerings.

Timm-Giel, A., & Feldsien-Sudhaus, I. (2022). Open-Access-Publikationskosten 2022-2024: Beschreibung des Vorhabens ohne Anhänge. TUHH Universitätsbibliothek. https://doi.org/10.15480/882.4121

Project in TUHH Open Research

Publizieren und Lizenzieren
01.02.2022-31.12.2024Beate Rajski since 02/2022
Inken Feldsien-Sudhaus until 01/2022


Replacement of the library management system LBS4 by FOLIO for libraries in the Common Library Network (GBV)

(SUB Hamburg / BWFGB)
Beate Rajski
Participation TUHH
Piloting and launch
01.05.2021-31.01.2022Angela Schneider

Completed projects

Hamburg Open Science 2018-2020

Transparency in Hamburg science, the further development of Hamburg as a university location, open access to research results and secure long-term data storage were the main goals of the Hamburg Open Science program, which was funded by the City of Hamburg in 2018 – 2020 and accompanied by the Ministry of Science, Research, Equality and Districts.
Hamburg Open Science bundled cross-university projects to promote open science at Hamburg’s state universities, the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf and the Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky State and University Library.


Modern Publishing
Project Lead
01.01.2019-31.12.2020Axel Dürkop
Project Lead
Florian Hagen
Research Data Management
Project Lead
01.01.2018-31.12.2020Beate Rajski
Project Lead
Forschungsinformation01.01.2018-31.12.2020Gunnar Weidt
Cultural Change01.01.2018-31.12.2020Inken Feldsien-Sudhaus
Vorprojekt Hamburg Open Access / Hamburg Open Science
BWFBG and Hamburg Unversities
Participation among others with leadership of the project group research data
15.02.2016-31.12.2017Inken Feldsien-Sudhaus
Beate Rajski
Project participation of the TUHH University Library
Cover der Broschüre Hamburg Open Science 2018-2020

Brochure Hamburg Open Science 2018 – 2020

The brochure Hamburg Open Science 2018 – 2020 provides a compact overview of the entire program, the projects and the participants.

Published: 2021

Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU)


Participation in Expert Group “Open Educational Resources”12/2014-2020Thomas Hapke
Early-Bird-Project “Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten”2015-2016Thomas Hapke
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten öffnen (Opening research methods and academic writing)2018Thomas Hapke
Florian Hagen
Detlev Bieler
Copyright9/2017-3/2019Nazime Assly
tub.t#OERials – Informationsangebote zu offenem Publizieren, offener Wissenschaft und Bildung2019-2020Florian Hagen
Thomas Hapke
Detlev Bieler
Projects of the University Library of the TUHH

Lehrinnovationsprojekt Verfahrenstechnik

Integration of scientific work and writing in a first-semester course for bachelor students.

Lehrinnovations-Projekt Verfahrenstechnik01.01.2019-31.03.2020Thomas Hapke
Projects of the University Library of the TUHH
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