Open access is understood to mean free access to quality-assured scientific information and other materials. All people worldwide have unrestricted, free access to OA publications. The TUHH has supported the Open Access movement and its goals for many years. With TORE (formerly tub.dok), there has been an OA repository since 2002, which now enables the storage of research data and functions as a research information system. The TU is a signatory of the “Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities” of 2003 and reached another milestone with the establishment of a publication fund in 2013. This fund supports publications by young TU scientists. With the unanimous adoption of the openTUHH Policy in the Academic Senate of the TUHH on 26.09.2018, the topic of openness in research and teaching at the university received additional support. The policy emerged from the Hamburg Open Science (HOS) and Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU) projects. The goal: to further promote digital cultural change at the university (More on HOOU and HOS projects of tub. on the TU Library project page). For these efforts around openness and further open access services, the tub. 2020 was awarded as an “open library“.
Open Access Glossary
However, especially for newcomers and outsiders, there are always many questions surrounding OA and the numerous fields of development, such as “What is meant by green OA?”, “What are the differences between gold and hybrid journals?” or “Why shouldn’t people publish in closed access?” In order to make Open Access and its advantages more accessible to as many interested parties as possible, the Open Access team has compiled a small glossary. The compilation is based on questions around Open Access terminology, which is a frequent topic in consultation scenarios:
Suggestions for additions desired
Have you come across other unclear terms related to Open Access that are missing from the glossary? Let us know via or feel free to attend the open, virtual office hours.
Open, virtual office hours on the topic of Open Access (28.10.2021)
As part of Open Access Week 2021, we are offering an open, virtual office hour on Open Access on 10/28/2021. Feel free to bring your questions or just take the opportunity to get to know the Open Access team:
- Access link:
- Date: 28.10.2021
- Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
More about the Open Access Week 2021:
# OAWeek2021: tub.torials – a review of thoughts, ideas, and materials on openness in science, research, and teaching
#OAWeek2021: It Matters How We Open Knowledge – ‚break chatter‘ as audio recording and transcript
#OAWeek2021: How do I fund my journal article?
#OAWeek2021 Open Access Consulting at the TUHH
#OAWeek2021 Why I support Open Science
#OAWeek2021: Welcome to Open Access Week 2021