ORCID stands for “Open Researcher & Contributor iD”. It provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized.
More and more publishers and organizations integrate ORCID into their systems internationally. Large databases like Web of Science, CrossRef or Scopus use ORCID already.
ORCID is a nonprofit organization. And with more than 10 millions iDs issued it is on its way to become a quasi-standard for identifying scientific authors. Similar to what digital object identifier (DOI) has become for publications.
Advantages of ORCID iD
- Persistent iD which works for different disciplines and organizations
- You control registration,contents and visibility of your ORCID data
- Easy identification between people regardless of people with the same name or different spelling of your name.
- Visibility by connecting your own research activities like publications, research date, patents, software or funding to your record
- If you agree, you can sync your publications with your ResearcherID and Scopus and new publications may be added to your record by Crossref and Datacite
No ORCID iD yet?
- Visit orcid.org
- Follow Register now and fill in your name and email
Now that you have an ORCID iD you can add your publications if you like - Choose “+Add works – Search & link” on your new ORCID record
- You can then use ORCID partners to search & and link your publications. If you don’t know where to go, “CrossRef Metadata Search” is a good place to start. CrossRef registers publisher DOIs. Therefore you will probably find your journal articles there.
- Authorize CrossRef to read and update your ORCID record.
- CrossRef will search for your (last) name. From the results identify your own publications and “Add to Orcid”.
- Done
- Kontaktdatenbank: You can add the ORCID iD to your data (and to TUHH-LDAP).
- ORCID sign in using your TUHH Account via Shibboleth.
- Publications in TUHH Open Reserach (TORE) can be connected to ORCID iDs and pushed to your ORCID record: ORCID in TUHH Open Research
If you have questions regarding ORCID, try us for an answer.
Beate Rajski
E-mail: orcid@tuhh.de
ORCID® is a registered trademark and the ORCID logo and iD icon are trademarks of ORCID, Inc.