Digital semesters due to the Corona crisis also lead to expanded offers of online books or e-books in the TUHH network at the TU Hamburg. As early as May 2020, we had responded to this together with other Hamburg libraries.
With the year 2021, online books from additional publishers have now been added to the library holdings acecssible at TUHH.
- eBooks from the UK’s IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) with topics from all engineering disciplines (2015 – 2021)
- Emerald Business, Management and Economics eBook Series Collection 2018-2021
- VDI eLibrary: Fortschritt-Berichte VDI and the VDI reports from 2021 (no titles from 2021 published yet) incl. VDI journals from 2021.
- Cambridge University Press STM collection (Science, technology and medicine). At the end of the year, important and frequently used works will be firmly purchased.
- SAE Mobilus ebooks (1990 – 2021) from SAE International, formerly “Society of Automotive Engineers”

Continueing to be available at TUHH are online books from the following publishers:.
- Springer ebooks: The TUHH library purchased the German packages of 2021 from the following subject areas
In addition, there are the English-language packages
- Business & Management,
- Chemistry & Materials Science,
- Earth and Environmental Science,
- Energy,
- Engineering,
- Intelligent Technologies & Robotics,
- Mathematics & Statistics,
- and Professional and Applied Computing.
(The links provided here search for books in the 2020 as well as 2021 packages. The 2020 English language packages for chemistry and mathematics packages were not purchased).
In 2021, access is available to books in this package for 2020. At the end of the year, important, frequently used works are permanently purchased.
- Elsevier ebooks via ScienceDirect
- De Gruyter ebooks: In addition to online books from De Gruyter, books from other publishers, such as the publishing house transcript as well as a number of American university presses, are also accessible.
- Hanser ebooks: In 2020, based on targeted selection, approx. 50 titles have been purchased, not all of which have been published yet.
- SIAM ebooks – Works of the publication year 2021 have been purchased in addition to the former years.
- MIT Press – Works of the publication year 2021 have been purchased in addition to the former years.
At least for 2021, these textbooks remain accessible online:
- More than 150 German-language textbooks of all subject areas of the publisher Pearson (primarily for online reading, only printing of single pages possible)
- Textbooks of all subject areas of the publisher UTB (chapter-by-chapter download as PDF possible)
Not renewed was access to all Wiley ebooks. Within the last few years’ contracts, we had bought the most used Online- Books purchased from Wiley firmly for access at TUHH. Purchase requests for e-books of individual Wiley titles not available at TUHH are always possible.