
#OAWeek2024: Together for Diamond Open Access – How do funding consortia work?

Diamond Open Access through financing consortia: What is it all about? Due to the rising costs caused by the transformation agreements, the TUB is increasingly committed to engage in alternative financing models in the area of open access publishing. This also includes participation in sustainable funding structures for renowned Diamond Open Access journals and book […]

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#OAWeek2024: Why CC BY is the best choice for open access publications

Creative Commons Logo

Open access not only means that scientific publications are freely accessible online, but also that they can be reused flexibly and transparently. This can be ensured by issuing open licenses. A well-known and widespread example: Creative Commons (CC) licenses. CC licenses provide a legal framework to regulate the use of content by third parties. For

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#OAWeek2024: Scientific integrity at risk: A look at predatory publishing and conferences

Think Check Submit Poster

In recent years, the option of publishing open access in specialist journals has become increasingly established. Scientific content can thus be read by all interested parties without payment barriers. This benefits the efficiency of global research, as it is possible to quickly check whether quality-checked, freely available literature is already available (Wienert 2021). “While open

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#OAWeek2024: How science is taking back control of publishing

Laptop and notebook

The motto of this year’s Open Access Week “Community over Commercialization” focuses on a central question: Who owns (scientific) knowledge? At a time when academic publishers dominate the communication process of research results (either through expensive subscription models or now increasingly through publication fees), scholar-led publishing offers a way for the scientific community to regain

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#OAWeek2024: Welcome to Open Access Week at TU Hamburg

Photo of people sitting in an auditorium combined with a white open access lock in the middle.

The international Open Access Week takes place every year at the end of October. Institutions around the world promote free access to scientific results. Open Access Week 2024 is an opportunity to join forces and raise awareness of the importance of collaborative control of knowledge sharing systems. Community over Commercialization Last year’s motto is also the motto

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