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Collect, Write, Publish 2025: Building Reliable Research Practices in the Digital Age

Collect, Write, Publish 2025: Building Reliable Research Practices in the Digital Age. 90 minutes each Wednesday from 1 pm: On January 29, 2025 – organized by the Graduate Academy of the TU Hamburg and the library – a new series of nine short workshops on tools for the research process relevant to doctoral candidates at the TUHH will start. All workshops will be conducted in English, except for the final session โ€œUrheberrecht in Forschung und Lehre,โ€ which will be held in German. Registration is open!


  1. Research Getting Started – Listen and Share
  2. Cool Tools for Collaboration in Research and Teaching
  3. Finding a Needle in a Haystack – Discovering Specialist Information
  4. Choosing the Right Journal for Your Career
  5. No Stress, No Mess – Finding Peace of Mind with Reference Management
  6. Publishing in Open Access: Essential Knowledge for Researchers
  7. Research Data Management: More Than Just Storing Data
  8. Building Your Digital Identity as a Scientist
  9. Urheberrecht in Forschung und Lehre

Research Getting Started – Listen and Share

Speakers/Hosts: Speakers of the lecture series
Date: Wednesday 29.01.2025, 13:00-14:30 + CWP-Cafรฉ afterwards

Aim: As a prelude to the Collect, Write, Publish series, aspects of good scientific practice and the FAIR principles will be made tangible
Date: Wednesday 29.01.2025, 13:00-14:30 + CWP-Cafรฉ afterwards

Are you researching systematically or just googling around? Can you still rely on your sources two years from now? Why should your dissertation be at risk just because your laptop goes missing? Do you have a backup strategy in case your most important work tool gets hacked? From AI-generated content and image copyrights to citations and licensesโ€”how can you navigate these challenges with confidence and stay on the safe side? And why might your name suddenly appear in a dubious journal?

In this workshop, participants will share insights into their own research routines, exchange best practices, and learn from each otherโ€™s experiences. Additionally, the attending experts will provide a preview of upcoming workshops and training opportunities at appropriate points during the session.

Cool Tools for Collaboration in Research and Teaching

Speakers/Hosts: Axel Dรผrkop, Institute for Technical Education and University Didactics
Date: Wednesday 05.02.2025, 13:00-14:30

Update 05.02.2025: Slides Cool Tools for Collaboration in Research and Teaching

Aim: Participants are familiar with a selection of free software tools and workflows for organizing collaboration in research and teaching. Participants know exemplary tools and workflows for collaborative writing and open publishing.

Tools such as GitLab, Jupyter Notebook, Hypothesis, Taguette, HackMD and Zotero promote effective collaboration when researching and bibliographizing, collecting and evaluating data, programming and writing research papers, including subsequent publication. But these applications also excel in the (joint) development of teaching materials and in the delivery of teaching. The workshop will show which tools can be used profitably for day-to-day work in research and teaching and how these are connected to the Open Education and Open Science discourses.

Finding a Needle in a Haystack โ€“ Discovering Specialist Information

Speakers/Hosts: Detlev Bieler & Florian Hagen, University Library TUHH
Date: Wednesday 12.02.2025, 13:00-14:30

Aim: Participants will develop the skills to effectively address challenges and meet the specific needs that arise when working with information. They will gain familiarity with various methods for locating specialized information and understanding document accessibility options.

The workshop offers a mix of topics centered around literature research. We will discuss questions like, “How can I be more confident that Iโ€™m not missing anything essential in my search?”, “What has been my approach to information searching so far, and why?”, or “What have you always wanted to ask about finding and retrieving information?”

In addition, the following topics and questions will play a central role:

  • How can I use specialized databases efficiently?
  • How can I access journal articles that arenโ€™t available at TUHH?
  • Why canโ€™t I access all relevant digital documents? Why can the library sometimes not fulfill book requests?
  • How do I find standards, and how can I search for patents?
  • How do you envision the libraryโ€™s role in supporting research and information access going forward?

The session will include hands-on exercises and group discussions. You will have the chance to help shape the workshop agenda. Let us know your questions beforehand to tailor the session to your needs.

Choosing the Right Journal for Your Career

Speakers/Hosts: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Irina Smirnova, Vice President for Research and Head of the Institute for Thermal Process Engineering at Hamburg University of Technology
Date: Wednesday 19.02.2025, 13:00-14:30

Aim: As a doctoral candidate in the engineering sciences, you will learn about criteria that will help you to select a journal that is suitable for your publication project and will promote your career in the long term.

In this context, the following aspects are examined with regard to the engineering sciences:

  • suitable scientific orientation or suitable thematic reference of the journal
  • International scientific significance (international distribution of the journal to be selected, scientific reputation, impact factor/citation capacity)- Quality of the review process (e.g. peer review)
  • Speed of the publication process
  • (Long-term) availability of the journal
  • Institute requirements and/or requirements of the third-party funding provider

No Stress, No Mess โ€“ Finding Peace of Mind with Reference Management

Speakers/Hosts: Detlev Bieler & Florian Hagen, University Library TUHH
Date: Wednesday 26.02.2025, 13:00-14:30

Aim: Participants will acquire essential skills to navigate academic research challenges and effectively manage references by exploring two reference management software options. They will learn to enhance their literature and organization and citation integration.

Academic work requires precision, particularly when it comes to managing sources and literature, which can quickly become overwhelming. To minimize errors and reduce time and effort, using a reference management program is recommended for the efficient organization of citations. Such programs can be employed during researching, reading, writing, and publishing. Depending on the software, there are various additional features available, so it’s worth selecting the one that best meets your individual needs.

In this workshop, we will introduce and compare the functionalities of two commonly used programs: Zotero (Open Source) and Citavi (Campus License). Afterwards, participants will have the opportunity to explore both basic and advanced features of Citavi and Zotero together, providing guidance for their own decision-making process. Participants should ensure that these programs are installed in advance if they plan to join with their own laptops.

The workshop will focus on the following topics, among others:

  • Familiarizing with selected features
  • Capturing different types of literature
  • Organizing knowledge
  • Sorting and searching within projects
  • Integrating citations into academic work
  • Collaborating with others

The session will include hands-on exercises and group discussions. You will have the chance to help shape the workshop agenda. Let us know your questions beforehand to tailor the session to your needs. Further information and introductory tutorials on the subject of literature management can be found on the websites of the tub.

Publishing in Open Access: Essential Knowledge for Researchers

Speakers/Hosts: Florian Hagen & Frauke Wienert, University Library TUHH
Date: Wednesday 05.03.2025, 13:00-14:30

Aim: Participants should understand the Open Access publishing options available at TU and learn the fundamentals of Open Access. They will be able to assess how to publish their research findings in a quality-assured manner and make them accessible through Open Access.

Research results should be published as Open Access whenever possible, making them freely accessible to everyone. This is also a requirement set by research funders. The event will address what this means for you and will cover the following topics:

  • โ€œOpen Accessโ€ is more than just free documents on the web: A brief history and definition
  • Reputation and Open Access: Choosing the right journal and avoiding predatory publishers
  • Many paths lead to Open Access: Which one is yours?
  • Tips for accessing articles behind paywalls

The session will include group discussions. You will have the chance to help shape the workshop agenda. Let us know your questions beforehand to tailor the session to your needs.

Research Data Management: More Than Just Storing Data

Speakers/Hosts: Francesca Schulze, University Library TUHH
Date: Wednesday 12.03.2025, 13:00-14:30

Aim: Creating an awareness of the challenges involved in handling research data.

Data is indispensable in research, yet its management goes far beyond mere storage. How can you handle research data efficiently and securely? What risks should be considered?

In our introduction to research data management (RDM), you will learn how to leverage professional RDM throughout the entire lifecycle of your research data and implement the principles of Good Scientific Practice. You will discover a variety of possibilities to make your data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR).

Topics of the Workshop:

  • What is RDM and why is it important?
  • What challenges do you face in managing research data?
  • Learn about proven methods and support services for RDM.
  • Assess the potential benefits of these resources for your individual situation.
  • Outlook on upcoming events.

Building Your Digital Identity as a Scientist

Speakers/Hosts: Gunnar Weidt, University Library TUHH
Date: Wednesday 19.03.2025, 13:00-14:30

Aim: You can assess which academic profiles you would like to use and maintain online.

How do I make myself, my field of research and my final results visible on the Internet? In addition to maintaining their list of publications, young researchers should also consider questions about their own online presence.
In this workshop, we will look together at which online profiles are worthwhile for you, where you are already automatically visible via your publications and what significance metrics play in this. What possibilities and pitfalls are there and what about ResearchGate? The ORCID iD (Open Research Contributor iD) will also be a topic, with which you can ensure your own unique identification in the research and publication process.

Urheberrecht in Forschung und Lehre

Referent: RA Dr. Till Kreutzer, iRights.Law, Berlin
Termin: Mittwoch 26.03.2025, 13:00-17:00 Uhr (inklusive Kaffeepause)

Zielsetzung: Vermittlung eines soliden Grundwissens zum Thema Urheberrecht in der Wissenschaft und Sensibilisierung fรผr dieses komplexe und angesichts der verstรคrkten Nutzung digitaler Medien in Lehre und Forschung รคuรŸerst wichtige Thema.

Der Workshop gibt einen รœberblick รผber die fรผr Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler bzw. wissenschaftliches Arbeiten relevanten urheberrechtlichen Fragestellungen. Mit wissenschaftlichem Arbeiten ist hierbei vor allem wissenschaftliches Publizieren sowie der Einsatz elektronischer Medien in der Lehre gemeint.

Besondere Bezugnahme erfolgt vor allem zu Bildrechten, Lizenzfragen, Schrankenbestimmungen in Wissenschaft und Lehre sowie Open Content.

Der Workshop ist als Vortrag mit anschlieรŸender Diskussionsrunde und Beantwortung urheberrechtlicher Fragestellungen geplant.

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