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From now on: Unlimited Zotero storage for all TUHH members

The Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) is funding a memory expansion for the reference management program Zotero. This means that all Zotero users at the TUHH now have access to unlimited storage space.

Implementation of the memory extension for Zotero

The official Zotero statement on memory expansion is:

Any Zotero user with a qualifying email address associated with their account will now see that they have Unlimited storage provided by your organization in their storage settings on zotero.org. If any of your users registered with a different email address, they can add their institutional address to their account when theyโ€™re logged in at https://www.zotero.org/settings/account.

Zotero notice

This memory expansion is the result of individual feedback from TUHH researchers and the results of โ€žSurvey on reference management at the TUHHโ€œ. In addition, a needs survey on the topic of memory expansion for Zotero was conducted, which was distributed to TUHH professors and academic staff by e-mail from March 8 to 13, 2024. Within a short period of time, the survey received 146 complete responses.

Some results of the survey:

  • 94 TUHH members already use Zotero;
  • 37 TUHH members are planning to use it in the future;
  • 122 TUHH members see a need to expand the storage capacity of Zotero.

These results make it clear that the paid Zotero storage is an important aspect of scientific work for researchers at the TUHH.

More about Zotero

Zotero is an open source software for reference management that has been supported at the TUHH since 2012 by various consulting services. By default, Zotero offers unlimited storage for metadata, while the file storage (e.g. for PDF full texts and screenshots) is limited to 300 MB. In addition to using the official Zotero storage, it is also possible to expand the storage using the TUHH cloud.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the TUB’s reference management team!


Questions? We will be happy to advise you on reference management

Email: literaturverwaltung@tuhh.de.

Alexander Unteutsch

Alexander Unteutsch
Telephone: +49 40 42878 2855

You are also welcome to use our open online consultation hours via Zoom (identification code: 503035; meeting ID: 832 9724 8626) for questions regarding literature management (Fridays from 09:00 to 09:30).

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