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#OAWeek2020: Final spurt for Hamburg Open Science

Prof. Andreas Timm-Giel, Acting President of TUHH, opens this year’s Open Access Week with a video statement in which he argues that science should be open and FAIR.

Hamburg Open Science started with the aim that research results and data from research institutions in Hamburg, which were created with funds from government research funding, should be freely accessible and easy to find. Open access to scientific knowledge and materials is fundamental in a networked world and shapes the science policy debate. National and international donors such as the European Commission, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the German Research Foundation demand free access to research results and the long-term preservation of research data. With the Hamburg Open Science program, the Hamburg Senate enables universities to participate in current science policy developments and to actively shape the cultural change in science towards more transparency and openness.

.Hamburg Open Science

Since the beginning of the Hamburg Open Science program, TUHH has been involved in the projects Research Data Management, Current Research Information System and, from 2019, the newly added Modern Publishing project. The program enabled the enhancement of the open access repository tub.dok with a long-term repository for research data and a current research information system under the name TUHH Open Research TORE. As a basis for cultural change, a policy for openness in research and teaching was adopted and new consulting and information services on the topic of Open Science were developed. The Modern Publishing project uses the technical development of a publication platform for discussion with potential users in the context of cultural change.

Cultural Change Digitalization and Open Science

Openness in research and teaching plays an increasingly important role and requires a corresponding strategic, cultural and structural change at the TU Hamburg. The attitude towards openness is primarily articulated in the discourses Open Education, Open Science and Open Access. For the cultural change to Open Science, an attempt was made across all projects to raise awareness of more open research processes and new tools through action days, workshops and support services.

openTUHH 2019An important milestone was the “openTUHH | Policy of Openness in Research and Teaching“. It emerged from the projects Hamburg Open Science and Hamburg Open Online University with the aim of promoting digital cultural change at the university. The policy was unanimously approved by the Academic Senate of TUHH on 26.09.2018.


Research Data Management (RDM)

In the RDM project, research-related services covering the life cycle of research data for and in Hamburg universities were to be established from 2018-2020.
Since February 2019, TUHH Open Research is available as an institutional research data repository. Research data from the TUHH can thus also be published via the TUHH. They receive a DOI and are permanently citable. Long-term archiving is carried out on an S3 storage system at the Regional Computer Center of the University of Hamburg. The publication process is accompanied by an advisory service. The library’s offer of research data management is already used for research funding applications.

TORE re3data BadgeIf you have any questions regarding research data management, please contact us via our Research Data page.

Current Research Information System (CRIS)

The project CRIS (2018-2020) aimed at replacing the outdated research information system, which had been in place since 2005, with a modern and standard-compliant research information system. The software DSpace-CRIS used in the project was considerably enhanced from 2018 -2020 to reflect the needs of the TUHH. The new CRIS records the scientific performance of the TUHH and presents it publicly. This is where the employees maintain their publications, third-party funded projects and scientific activities, such as the organization of congresses and editorships. The publication lists are integrated on the websites of the institutes and the researchers. With the research report produced from them since the 2019 reporting year, the TUHH fulfils its publication obligation under the Hamburg University Act. In addition to the project staff, many members of staff, primarily in media processing, are working on the project in addition to their regular duties, thus strengthening the team.

Einladung Das Forschungsinformationssystem TUHH Open Research (TORE) – ein Service für Sie. tub.talk digitalJoin our (German) tub.talk digital on Thursday (22.10.20) 2pm. Registration: https://intranet.tuhh.de/anmeldung/oaweek2020

Modern Publishing

Since 2019, the Modern Publishing project has also been implemented. It combines the many years of experience of the TU Hamburg and the State and University Library of Hamburg (SUB) to develop a process chain for single source publishing based on open source solutions such as GitLab and Open Journal Systems. In the foreground are aspects of collaboration and participation as well as automatisms for generating different formats of a publication. Exemplary implementations have been made with the journals kommunikation@gesellschaft und API – Ausbilden | Publizieren | Informieren.

Prozesskette SWAPFIREGerman Workshop: Am Mittwoch (21.10.20) haben Sie Gelegenheit in dem Workshop “Single-Source-Publishing mit Markdown, GitLab, pandoc und OJS” die entwickelte Prozesskette auszuprobieren und zu diskutieren: 14:00 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr in Zoom. Anmeldung: https://intranet.tuhh.de/anmeldung/oa_week_ssp_workshop


The program and funding will end on 31.12.2020. TUHH Open Research and the associated consulting services will of course continue from 2021. A follow-up project by the City of Hamburg will not be undertaken for the time being. On the other hand, many ideas for supporting an interactive open research process are already available from the TU Hamburg.

If you would like to learn more, you are cordially invited to our (German) tub.talk digital today (19.10.2020) at 2 pm.

Update:Slides tub.talk Endspurt Hamburg Open Science 19.10.2020

Einladung zum tub.talk Endspurt bei Hamburg Open Science tub.talk digital

Mehr zur Open Access Woche 2020 an der TUHH:

[KGVID width=”640″ height=”360″]http://webcast.tuhh.de/Mediasite/Play/4e65012a2f4a4408bbc171f0296e61411d[/KGVID]

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