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#OAWeek2020 Open Access at TUHH in figures

Today at 2 pm in tub.talk digital you can expect an interview on the financing of publishing journal articles in Open Access.

  • How many articles are published Open Access at the TU Hamburg? Who publishes Open Access at TUHH?
  • Which authors have received financial support from the TU Library since the TUHH Open Access Fund was established?
  • Which funds to finance Open Access at the TUHH go to which publishers?
  • What is the proportion of Open Access publications in the TUHH’s total output?

This article provides you with information to answer the above questions.

  1. TUHH articles supported by the Open Access Fund
  2. Openness regarding the costs of articles supported by the TUHH’s Open Access Fund
  3. Overview of the share of Open Access in the publication output of the TUHH
  4. Search for Open Access articles from the TUHH in the subject databases Web of Science and Scopus

1. TUHH articles supported by the Open Access Fund

With the beginning of the Open Week, 25 essays by authors from the TUHH with the year of publication 2020 have been funded. This becomes clear from an overview of the articles that have been funded so far. The journals in which these articles have been published are pure Open Access (Golden Open Access) journals.

The following table from the final report to the DFG on the “Promotion of Open Access Publishing at the TU Hamburg 2018-2019” breaks down the articles funded per year according to the individual deans of studies at the TUHH.

Table of articles funded by the TUHH’s Open Access Fund by Dean’s Offices of the TUHH

DFG Final Report OA Fund 2018-19 articles according to deans of studies

2. Openness regarding the costs of articles supported by the TUHH’s Open Access Fund

Since 2014, the TU Library has submitted the exact costs (including taxes) for the funded individual articles to the OpenAPC project, which is also funded by the DFG. This provides a TUHH-related overview of the costs, which at the same time shows to which publishers the money went:

Open Access Fund TUHH Open-APCs 2014-2019

This overview does not include articles that were financed with funds outside the Open Access Fund at the TUHH. This also applies to articles in normal subscription journals (Hybrid Open Access) for which these have been activated for an extra fee or to articles that are now published Open Access under the terms of the Deal agreements.

3. Overview of the share of Open Access in the publication output of the TUHH

The DFG and BMBF funded Open Access Monitor of the Central Library of Research Centre Jülich now allows further publication and cost analyses for publication by the TU Hamburg. With this interactive tool, for example, one can obtain an estimate of the proportion of Open Access in all TUHH publications. It also provides an overview of the number of TUHH publications by publisher and also by journal.

A good 40% of all articles from the TUHH in the years 2016 to 2020 have already been published in Open Access:
Open Access status TUHH 2016-2020

If you want to find out more about the “colors” of Open Access, please refer to a blog article by Stefan Schmeja from the TIB Hannover.

4. Search for Open Access articles from the TUHH in the subject databases Web of Science and Scopus

Both in the database Web of Science and in Scopus you can search for the “Hamburg University of Technology” as an organization or affiliation. For example, if you limit the “Facets” on the left-hand side of the Web of Science to Open Access articles and to the years 2016 to 2020, you can see how many Open Access articles have been published by which authors from the TUHH.

Web of science - Searches for affilation TUHH, Open Access and 2016-2020 - Display of authors

More about the Open Access Week 2020:

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