Coming to the library at noontime for a coffee! In the end of June and in July you are invited to attend our “tub.talks”. After a brief impulse as thematic input, there will be room for joint discussions and a coffee, this is the new format, that we would like to continue with this second series after its launch in March – at that time under the label „Coffee talks“.
The topics include aspects of using information, like publishing, researching or visualising as well as issues of the (new) German intellectual property law.
4 dates in in June and July, each on Monday, 1.15 pm to 1.45 pm in room 0.004, in the large group room behind the information desk:
- Monday, June 25, 2018
Transparent research – citation analysis with special databases
(Impulse and moderation: Thomas Hapke) - Monday, July 2, 2018
The new UrhWissG (german intelectual property law): worth knowing for research
(Impulse and moderation: Nazime Assly) - Monday, July 9, 2018
Visualisation in academic work
(Impulse and moderation: Detlev Bieler) - Monday, July 16, 2018
Open Access – the right journal for the next article
(Impulse and moderation: Inken Feldsien-Sudhaus)
Update 19.07.2018: Slides | Blog: The right journal for my article – Think Check Submit
Use the opportunities for exchange, to ask questions, to learn from one another and to discuss. Add your own questions and suggestions (also for further topics for additional talks)!
We are happy to meet you!
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