As every year in October, the International Open Access Week, this time from October 21st until October 27th 2019, will provide a worldwide forum and platform for events and activities for open access to scientific information.
The Hamburg University of Technology TU Hamburg participates as always. From October 21st to October 25th, a varied programme awaits you at the TUHH. This time the focus lies on the handling of data. Impulse lectures and an open workshop will cover this topic. The opening will take place through a poster walk in the rotunda of the University Library.
Our progamme at TUHH
Monday, October 21, 2019
- Opening #OAWeek2019 at TUHH : Poster Walk with Prof. Dr. Kuchta (Vice President Academic Affairs) and Prof. Dr. Timm-Giel, (Vice President Research)
Library, building J, room 0.004
12.30 pm to 1 pm - Looking behind the scenes of the library
Library, building J, rotunda tub.
1 pm to 1.30 pm
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
- Data Collection
Lecture: The Internet of Things (IoT) and open environmental data
Dr.-Ing. Koojana Kuladinithi, Institute for Communication Networks TUHH and Dr. Michael Fischer from Urban Data Hub (UDH), Hamburg
Library, building J, room 0.004
1.15 pm to 2 pm, discussion afterwards
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
- Data Analysis
Open worksho: Daten auswerten und visualisieren mit Jupyter Notebooks
Axel Dürkop, ITBH TUHH, and Marvin Kastner, Institute of Maritime Logistics, TUHH
Hack[a|er]space, Building Q, 2. floor, room 211
1.15 pm to 5 pm
Thursday, October 24, 2019
- Data Ethics and Publication
- Lecture: Possible breakdowns in Open (Data) Science
Anna Lainé, Institute for Software Systems, TUHH
Library, building J, room 0.004
1.15 pm to 2 pm, discussion afterwards - Lecture: Software and Workflows for contemporary publishing with Open Access</ br>
A report from the Project Hamburg Open Science at TUHH.
Axel Dürkop, ITBH TUHH, and Florian Hagen, tub. TUHH
Library, building J, room 0.004
2.15 pm to 3 pm, discussion afterwards
- Lecture: Possible breakdowns in Open (Data) Science
Friday, October 25, 2019
- Research Data Management
Lecture: From planning to archiving open data
A report from the Projekt Hamburg Open Science az TUHH.
Beate Rajski, tub. TUHH
Library, building J, room 0.004
1.15 pm to 2 pm, discussion afterwards
The Open Access Week 2019 at TUHH will be accompagnied daily with an article in this blog.
More about the Open Access Week 2019: