In the last years the TUHH library has bought individual e-books from the publisher De Gruyter from time to time. In 2017 the complete e-book program from De Gruyter is available within TUHH intranet. At the end of the year the tub. will decide, also depending on usage, which small selection of titles will be included in its holdings permanently.
As long-established publisher the schedule of books by De Gruyter includes all subjects. Here you find a selection of titles interesting within TUHH:
Field of mathematics
- MATLAB kompakt. Schweizer, Wolfgang. 2016
- Algorithmische Graphentheorie. Turau, Volker / Weyer, Christoph. 2015.
- The Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics. Hrsg. v. Higham, Nicholas J. … 2015.
- Komplexe Zahlen und ebene Geometrie. Engel, Joachim / Fest, Andreas. 2016.
- Mathematik : Wo Sie sie nicht erwarten. Herrmann, Norbert. 2016.
Field of engineering
- Digitaltechnik : Eine Einführung mit VHDL. Reichardt, Jürgen. 2016.
- Thermodynamik für Maschinenbauer. Barth, Frank-Michael. 2016.
- Automatisierungstechnik : Methoden für die Überwachung und Steuerung kontinuierlicher und ereignisdiskreter Systeme. Lunze, Jan. 2016.
Field of industrial chemistry (process engineering)
Overview industrial chemistry (process engineering)
- Process Engineering : Addressing the Gap between Studies and Chemical Industry. Kleiber, Michael. 2016.
- Advanced Process Engineering Control. Agachi, Paul Serban u.a. 2016
- Catalytic Reactors. Hrsg. v. Saha, Basudeb. 2015
Outlook on 2018
Because the publisher De Gruyter sells above mentioned textbooks quite expensively, it cannot be guaranteed, that all above mentioned titles will be availalable within TUHH permanently.