Open Access – the free access to knowledge – has been a strategic goal of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)1 since 2013. On the occasion of the Open Access Week 2018, the openTUHH Policy of the TUHH was unanimously adopted by the Academic Senate of the TUHH on 26.09.2018. It focuses for the first time on the unity of openness in teaching and research and thus also on common digital infrastructures. The openTUHH Policy has emerged from the Hamburg Open Science and Hamburg Open Online University projects with the aim of promoting digital cultural change at the university.
“Open Access to Publications from the TUHH enables content to be used around the world without financial, technical or legal barriers. That is why the TUHH recommends the following alternatives to all of its members:
- Publishing in open access publications
- If not published in open access publications, immediate secondary open access publication in the TUHH’s institutional repository.
Open access publication may incur publication fees. To finance them, wherever possible projects are to raise dedicated third-party funding. The TUHH also maintains a publication fund for articles published in purely open access journals (the Golden Road). Alongside that the University supports the transformation of paid magazine subscriptions into syndicated license agreements connected with automatic open access licensing of publications from the German scientific system.
For secondary publications the TUHH maintains a free institutional repository, currently TUHH Open Research (TORE,, and offers advice and support. If publishing with a commercial publisher you should negotiate a non-exclusive right of use in order to facilitate immediate secondary publication (Green Road or self-archiving). You should at least dispense with granting exclusive copyright to the publisher so that secondary publication can go ahead after an embargo period.”
Elements of the TUHH Open Access strategy:
The library of the TU Hamburg supports you in publishing in Open Access with the following services:
Consulting service:
- Open Access Commissioner of TUHH: Beate Rajski
- Open Access consulting
- Intellectual property rights
Publishing in Open Access:
- Advice on the quality of publishers and journals
- Publishing fund to promote publication in open access journals
Open Access through secondary publication:
- Information on secondary publishing for Open Access
- TUHH Open Research (TORE): Repository for Open Access publications
Transformation towards Open Access:
- Projekt DEAL: Nationwide licensing of journals from major scientific publishers
- Publishing Agreements with Open Access Options
We will be happy to advise you on Open Access
You can reach the Open Access team via mail
Please also feel free to take part in our Open Access consultation hours via Zoom (identification code: 190591) if you have questions regarding Open Access (every Friday from 10:00 am to 10:30 am).

Frauke Wienert
Team Open Access
+49 40 42878 2472

Florian Hagen
Team Open Access
+49 40 42878 3003

Beate Rajski
TUHH Open Access Commissioner
+49 40 42878 3004
1. The University Board of the TUHH has decided on 3/20/2013 that Open Access should be a strategical aim of TUHH. The Library Committee of the TUHH recommended in November 2012:
“The TUHH encourages her members to publish in Open Access publications. These publications are therefore freely accessible, unless there are explicit agreements with publishers.”