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Open Access

The aim of Open Access is to make scientific information freely accessible to all people worldwide: free of charge and as free as possible of technical and legal barriers. The TUHH has supported this goal since 2012 with its Open Access Policy and is a signatory of the “Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Scientific Knowledge” of 2003. Financial support for open access publications is provided by the TUHH Open Access Publication Fund. In September 2018, the Academic Senate of the TUHH adopted the openTUHH | Policy for Openness in Research and Teaching.

Open Access




Further information on Open Access

Further information can be found on the Open Access information platform

We will be happy to advise you on Open Access

You can reach the Open Access team via mail openaccess@tuhh.de.

Please also feel free to take part in our Open Access consultation hours via Zoom (identification code: 190591) if you have questions regarding Open Access (every Friday from 10:00 am to 10:30 am).

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