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Publishing Agreements with Open Access Options for TUHH Members

Special conditions for publishing in Open Access have been agreed upon with some publishers within the framework of license agreements or memberships. In the following, we inform you about the agreements from which you can benefit as a TUHH member. Please note that in some cases you need to apply in advance to these publishers for funding through the publication fund.

ACM – Read and Publish

Free and unlimited Open Access publishing in ACM journals and conference proceedings.

AIP – Read and Publish

Members of the TU Hamburg publish free of charge in most hybrid journals of the AIP (American Institute of Physics).


The TUHH participates in the Germany-wide DEAL consortium with the publisher Elsevier. Fees for articles in hybrid journals will be paid centrally from 1.9.2023, fees for articles in genuine open access journals only on request.

IOP Journals – Read and Publish

A read-and-publish contract for 2025 was concluded by the TIB consortium. This contract provides access to over 85 journals. The publish component covers an unlimited number of articles that can be published without embargo period and under CC BY 4.0 license.

Nature and Nature Research Journals

Free Open Access publishing in Nature and Nature Research journals for researchers from TU Hamburg.

PLOS (Public Library of Science)

Free Open Access publishing in all PLOS journals for researchers from TU Hamburg.

Springer Nature

The TUHH participates in the Germany-wide DEAL-Konsortium with the scientific publisher Springer Nature. Fees for articles in hybrid journals are paid centrally, fees for articles in genuine open access journals only upon request.

Taylor & Francis

Researchers at TU Hamburg publish Open Access free of charge in hybrid journals from Taylor & Francis. A 15% discount on APCs is granted for publishing in Gold Open Access journals.


The TUHH participates in the Germany-wide DEAL-Konsortium with the scientific publisher Wiley. Fees for articles in hybrid journals are paid centrally, fees for articles in genuine open access journals only upon application.

Additional Discounts on Article Processing Charges (APC)

For full coverage of the APC by the library, a funding application must be submitted in advance through the publication fund.


Based on the Institutional Agreement with Frontiers, TUHH receives a 10% discount on APCs from 01.01.2025.


The library participates in the IOAP (Institutional Open Access Program) on behalf of the TUHH:
As a member, TUHH receives a 10% discount on APCs since 01.05.2020.

Important: TUHH Affiliation Guideline

As a member of TUHH, please adhere to the affiliation guideline and correctly state the TUHH affiliation.

Further details can be found in the TUHH Affiliation Guideline.


Ask me about Open Access

Open Access Team of TUHH
E-mail: openaccess@tuhh.de

Consultation hours : every Friday from 10:00 am to 10:30 am
Join us via Zoom (identification code: 190591)

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