Do you need current research literature on an important topic?
The research possibilities of Google Scholar are not enough for you?
You want to be more sure that you don’t miss anything?
For this purpose, the University Library (tub.) offers an important range of subject databases on the TUHH network. Databases important for the engineering and physical sciences such as Scopus, Web of Science or wti TEMA allow you to use specific search strategies.
You are a user of the tub. and study at another university or are a city user? And you unfortunately cannot use the computers in the reading rooms of the library due to the limited accessibility of the tub.?
Never mind, please feel free to make an appointment by e-mail with one of the tub.’s subject librarians! During a videoconference you can research together in specialist databases and receive the results by e-mail.
To prepare for the research procedure you are invited to watch this video (20 min., in German language!) from the bachelor seminar on “Academic Research and Writing” at TU Hamburg.