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Open Access Publishing Services tub.

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The current corona situation shows how important free access to scientific information is. Therefore, the tub. offers services for open access publishing which are of course still available these days. We are working in the home office, sometimes with some restrictions, to further expand the offer.

Institutional Repository TORE TUHH Open Research
You can upload documents online to the TUHH Open Research repository at any time. This means that your publications are available worldwide without barriers! Please give us some time for the release of your documents. You are welcome to contact us at tore@tuhh.de.

Publication Fund
Submit an online application using the form if you want to publish an article in a pure Open Access journal. You can also contact us at openaccess@tuhh.de or find information on the funding guidelines here.

Personal Advice
Support on the various aspects of Open Access and scientific publishing can be found in the library.

Open Access search
Are you looking for Open Access documents? Here you will find a – continuously updated – overview of Open Access offerings, divided into three categories:

  • Open Access versions of paywall articles;
  • Purely Open Access publications;
  • preprint servers/open repositories.


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