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#OAWeek2018 Hamburg Open Science at TUHH

Open Science TUHH requires close cooperation between research and infrastructure. On 6 December 2017, the Hamburg Parliament adopted the „Hamburg Open Science (HOS)“ programme. The aim is to make the research results of publicly funded research in Hamburg freely accessible and easy to discover.

At the TU Hamburg, the preliminary planning for Hamburg Open Science was carried out in close coordination between the Vice President Research, Prof. Dr. Timm-Giel, the library, the computer center and the presidential research department. The TU accepted the challenge that Open also stands for solutions based on Open Source. The library is involved in the following projects in 2018:

Research Data Management (RDM)

In the RDM project, research-related services will be set up from 2018-2020 around the life cycle of research data for and in Hamburg universities. Lifecycle Forschungsdaten

CC BY 4.0 Hamburg Open Science

This year, the focus is on ensuring that research data can also be stored in Hamburg according to the FAIR data principles: The aim is to make them searchable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. For this purpose, prototypical institutional repositories are being set up at the TUHH and the University of Hamburg which fulfil these criteria. The TUHH has opted for the open software DSpace-CRIS and will offer member of TUHH the possibility to store research data permanently starting in early 2019.

Forschungsdatenrepositorien für Hamburg Open Science

For the research data management project, the project management lies with Beate Rajski at the TU Hamburg, who will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.

Current Research Information System (CRIS)

A standard-compliant CRIS serves not only the legal reporting obligation but also the presentation of the research performance of the TUHH. In the CRIS, staff members maintain their publications, third-party funded projects and scientific activities, such as the organisation of congresses, editorships, in one place. This database should also be presented on the websites of the institutes and the researchers. With the CRIS, the TU will in future compile the university bibliography and the annual research report.

The existing publication repository tub.dok will be successively extended by the research data repository and CRIS functionalities. Thus, all functions will be contained in one system. Users will be able to access these under a uniform interface. The system is based on the open software DSpace-CRIS.

For the CRIS project, Dr. Gunnar Weidt, gunnar.weidt@tuhh.de, is the contact person for all questions and suggestions.

Change of Culture

The TUHH has worked intensively on the openTUHH Policy, which was unanimously adopted on 26.09.2018 in the Academic Senate of the TUHH. The policy defines what is expected of the researchers and what services the TUHH provides to support them. In addition to advice on Open Access and research data and financial support for Open Access, openness also means compliance with legal framework conditions. To this end, the library is building up further expertise in consulting.

openTUHH Team

openTUHH Team

The “Hamburg Open Science (HOS)” programme is thus an important building block for the TUHH on the way to more openness.

More on Open Access Week 2018:



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