Good news: Access to journals in the Nature portfolio has been extended for the TUHH and, from 1 January 2021, TUHH authors will have the opportunity to publish their articles in Nature and a further 32 original Nature research journals in open access. In the context of the DEAL contracts, a new consortium agreement for access and publication has been concluded. For this purpose, a fixed share of the payments from Germany is used to offset the OA costs, which amount to €9,500 + VAT per article. As soon as this amount is used up, the institutions themselves have to provide the funding. It is therefore worthwhile to successfully complete the review process early in the year with the publication! €9,500 is a very high and not uncontroversial price! As long as reputation in science is assessed via publication, prices will continue to rise and be paid. Perhaps you are interested in the actual discussion paper by the »Scientific practice« working group of the Priority Initiative »Digital Information« by the Alliance of Science Organisations with the title “Expanding academic publishing practices alongside the digital turn”.
We entered into the agreement because we receive reading access to the 2021 volume of the 55 titles of the Nature Portfolio, including the 21 Nature Review titles, at very little additional cost. The contract period is 2021-2024, can be cancelled annually. Previously, we only had access to the journal Nature and 3 other subscriptions.
- Informationens about the contract:
- Link to Author Guide:
- Journal List:
The OA journals Scientific Reports, Scientfic Data, Nature Communications, Communications Biology, Communication Chemistry and Communications Physics fall under the original DEAL SpringerNature contract and are therefore not affected by this contract and prices!
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