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tub.dok becomes TUHH Open Research

TUHH Open Research

Since 2002 tub.dok has been the Open Access Repository at TU Hamburg. Here you can find freely available publications of members of TUHH in full text. The spectrum includes journal articles, conference contributions, reports and, of course, dissertations and postdoctoral theses written at TUHH.

Now additional tasks are waiting for tub.dok and therefore it will be renamed as of today in TUHH Open Research.

What’s new?

Research Data

From now on there is a collection for the storage of research data from TU Hamburg. At first it is available for free data sets < 1GB. This will change in the course of the year. Please contact us if you have any questions or further requirements. We will be happy to talk to you.
Beate Rajski
Beate Rajski

Subject librarian research data management
040 42878 3311


With the new layout we want to make your institutes more visible. We hope you like it.
This is a first step on the way to a new research information system for TU Hamburg.
We are looking forward to your feedback:  tore@tuhh.de

Researcher Profile

You can link your author profile with your ORCID iD and have your publications and research data automatically transferred to ORCID: ORCID in TUHH Open Research

Outlook Research Information System

“TUHH Open Research” includes the Open Access Repository (previously tub.dok), a repository for research data, and will be expanded over the next two years into a Research Information System (FIS) to reflect the research strength of TUHH and make it visible to the outside world. We will keep you up to date and are happy to answer your questions:

Gunnar Weidt
Projektleiter Forschungsinformationssystem
040 42878 3010

The improvements on TORE are getting funded by the project Hamburg Open Science by the Hamburg Ministry of Science, Research and Equality.

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