Reflection about sustainability is important in a society, whose present and whose future depends on science and technology and which is urged to develop sustainably. This also implies reflection about science – about its characteristics, its theories, its methods, its purposes, its visibility and its benefits. Giving alternatives a chance within research and technology appears to be necessary for a transformation to a sustainable society.
The following three online books available within TUHH intranet support the reflection about sustainability from a scholarly view. They perhaps enable the conditions for a “transformative literacy” in the sense of Uwe Schneidewind. Exemplarily listed titles of chapters in these books illustrate the statements above:
- Sustainability science / Bert de Vries. 2012.
- Sustainability: Concerns, Definitions, Indicators. pp. 117-145
- Quality of Life: On Values, Knowledge and Worldviews. pp. 146-178
- On Knowledge and Models. pp. 215-243
- Environmental literacy in science and society : from knowledge to decisions / Roland W. Scholz. 2011.
- What knowledge about what environment? pp. 3-14
- From environmental literacy to transdisciplinarity. pp. 15-28
- Basic epistemological assumptions. pp. 29-42
- Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaften / Harald Heinrichs und Gerd Michelsen (Eds.). 2014. In German.
Chapters in the section “Ethics, philosophy of science and methodology”:
- Ethics for sustainability, pp. 63-85
- Transdisciplinary research, pp. 87-113
- Methods and methodology in the sciences for sustainability, pp. 115-144
More publications concerning sustainability you find in the TUHH holdings! Also more on ethics, philsophy and hsitory of science plus philosophy of technology!