tub.dok is the open access repository of the TUHH for freely available publications of members of the TUHH in full text. We make sure that the publications can be permanently stored and found in various services worldwide.
We are very pleased that we were able to extend tub.dok with three important functions during the International Open Access Week 2017:
No misunderstandings: With ORCID iD you can clearly assign your research results to your person. You can now also use this for your publications in tub. dok. For this purpose, we have introduced research profiles that you can link to your ORCID iD.
On our ORCID in tub.dok page we have described how this works.
2. Statistics
Anyone who publishes also wants to know how the publication is perceived. We now display the statistics for your documents on tub.dok much more prominently. And behind each button are detailed evaluations by period, region, country or city.
The most popular titles are already on the start page. Older titles have a certain advantage here, of course. :-)
3. Secondary publications
tub.dok offers you a reliable place to publish journal articles from pay-walled journals via the so-called Green Way Open Access.
At the moment this has to be done manually. To make it easier for you to enter the journal data for your article, you can now prepopulate data in tub.dok. Start uploading by entering the identifier. This can be the PubMed ID, the DOI or the arXiv ID. Then the publisher’s data will be transferred to your publication form.
We hope that we will be able to import these articles into tub.dok automatically in the medium term. So far, this has already been possible with the Open Access publisher MDPI.
Nothing is perfect and we can always get better. We look forward to receiving your suggestions, questions and criticism at tore@tuhh.de