The third “Kleine Nacht des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens” (Little or Short Night of Academic Writing) will take place at TUHH in the rooms around Audimax 1 (Building H – Am Schwarzenberg Campus 5) on Wednesday May 11, 2016 from 3 pm to 10 pm. The “Kleine Nacht” include stimulation and animation around academic writing and research methods for students and lecturers. This year the first time also with a program of introductory presentations in English!
Application for the “Kleine Nacht” is possible through the learning management system Stud.IP. You have to be logged in when applying for the Night via Stud.IP. But you are also welcome without registration.
Here is the list of the presentations in English:
- Introduction to Latex (Alexander C. Wawrzyn). 4:30 pm – 5 pm, room H0.02
- Reference management with Zotero (Beate Rajski). 5 pm – 5:30 pm, room H0.02
- Reference management with Citavi (Beate Rajski). 6 pm – 6:30 pm, room H0.02
- Finding information without missing anything important (Thomas Hapke). 6:50 pm – 7:20 pm, room H0.02
- Avoidung Plagiarism. Quotation rules for your thesis (Iris Lorscheid). 7:30 pm – 8:15 pm, room H0.02
- How to tell it to my reader? (Matthias Buntenkötter). 8:30 pm – 9:15 pm, room H0.02
Concentrated and silent active work is possible in special writing rooms. The program (flyer) includes motivational talks (this year the first time also in English!) as well as workshops. Writing consultation is offered as well as consultation on scholarly research methods, on finding subject information and on knowledge organisation through reference management! Consultation is also possible in English language!
The “Kleine Nacht” is organized by the TUHH Student Counseling Center in cooperation with the students’ union executive committee AStA, the TUHH library, the Center for Teaching and Learning (ZLL), University Sports, and the TU Computing Centre as well as several internal and external contributors.
The TUHH library has been offering a German language weblog since a few years, which accompanies a seminar course “Academic research and writing” (Description in English) as a form of showcase. Some of the lecturers from this course, which is organised by the TUHH library and which is part of the module “Nontechnical Complementary Courses for Bachelors” at TUHH, will offer some of the introductory presentations at the “Kleine Nacht”.