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Empty shelfs in upper reading room

Empty shelfs in upper reading roomPerhaps you’ve already noticed it? In the upper reading room you find empty shelfs more and more. What’s behind all this? What do we plan?

The TUHH library is always in transition, like its surroundings. More than 70% of the budget for media are spent for digital ones. Instead of many shelfs, which offered printed books in the reading rooms before, only the shadows on the carpets are left over today.

At the same time you like the library as learning place with its comfortable working atmosphere. Because of this we plan to arrange further working places as alcoves around the rotunda. So we will remove further shelfs to improve the quality of our working spaces and to allow a more convenient sense of space within the library.

In the next weeks a lot of books will be moved and shelfs will be reduced. For any trouble which might occur we hope for your comprehension.

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