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TU Hamburg is one of the first signatories of the “Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information”

Open access to research information desired

How can research be evaluated responsibly and research activities disclosed? To advance the idea of open science and promote unbiased, high-quality decision-making, the initiators of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information are committed to making research information on scientific infrastructures openly accessible and making this openness the new norm. The Barcelona Declaration was drawn up by a group of more than 25 research information experts and organizations that provide research infrastructures. As one of the first signatories, the Hamburg University of Technology supports the endeavor for open research information with the following four formulated commitments, which have been agreed upon:

Commitment 1: We will make openness the default for the research information we use and produce.
Commitment 2: We will work with services and systems that support and enable open research information.
Commitment 3: We will support the sustainability of infrastructures for open research information.
Commitment 4: We will support collective action to accelerate the transition to openness of research information.

TU Hamburg has long been committed to open research information: it has been publishing a research report since 1980. Since 2019, research information has also been made available via a corresponding system (TORE).

In addition, TU Hamburg adopted the openTUHH Policy of Openness in Research and Teaching in 2018, which recommends and promotes the idea of openness in research (open access, research data), teaching (open educational resources) and software development (open source).

In addition to TU Hamburg, other European institutions such as Leiden University in the Netherlands, Sorbonne University in France and Università di Bologna in Italy signed the “Barcelona Declaration”. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation from the USA is also among the supporters.

More information: barcelona-declaration.org

You can find the TUHH announcement in the newsroom: TU Hamburg is one of the first signatories of the “Barcelona Declaration”.

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