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Treat Your Scientific Poster Well

Poster sessions are an integral part of almost every scientific conference. The posters on display are intended to present and visualize research results as effectively as possible and to put them up for discussion. This makes them an important aspect of scientific publishing.

Poster RollGet credit where credit is due.

Make your poster citable

The contents of a scientific poster can also be quoted. TUHH Open Research (TORE) is available as a storage location for scientific publications from the TUHH that are to be publicly accessible. There is also room for your poster.

TORE offers you:

  • A DOI for the unique referencing of your poster
  • The pre-allocation of the DOI so that it can already be integrated into the poster
  • Listing of all persons involved
  • Connection to your ORCID profile
  • A permanent storage
  • The optimized availability for (academic) search engines

Security for subsequent use

May a conference twitterer post your poster in a tweet or in a report?

Make it easier for yourself and your colleagues and add a license to your poster. So others know what you want. Creative Commons licenses, which can be put together according to the modular principle, are ideal for this purpose. The optimal license in terms of Open Access is CC BY 4.0.

Lizence generator: creativecommons.org/choose/

Creative Commons LicencesFor example

Aberle, Christoph/Daubitz, Stephan (2019): „Mobilitätsarmut“ in Berlin und Hamburg? Kombinierte Forschung zu mobilitätsbezogener sozialer Exklusion. Online: https://doi.org/10.15480/882.2327
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