At the Sommerfest of the TUHH on June 15, 2016, the TUHH library will be present. With the motto “Bibliothek Buch Basteln” (library book tinkering) you can try to do little handicrafts around books at the library stand (also for adults!).
In addition to upcycling books with book origami or book folding you can produce new books. A minibook for folding offers hints to
selected library services.
Or you try to fold better examples of cranes with Origami than those on the picture. For mayn people this is quite challenging! You find an instruction as video in German language made in the context of an campaign of Friends of the earth Germany (BUND).
Supplementally books are sent on a journey via Bookcrossing), and first books give notice of the coming flea market of books in the TUHH library, starting at June 15, 2016. They can be taken for a donation.
The idea to present book origami at the library stand at TUHH summer festival came from our apprentice Miriam van Radecke, as well as the exhibits on the photo referring to this. The writer of this lines has been in charge for the lightly crashed cranes. 8-)