For computers in the University Library
The use of Internet workstations serves scientifical purposes, occupational work, and further education. It is reserved to registered clients of the University Library (TUB), a valid library card is needed to authenticate. Using the library computers is subject to the Rules and Regulations, amended by following instructions:
- Underaged clients require the permission of their legal guardians.
- The TUB is not liable for the contents, the availability, and the quality of the offers of third parties, which are recalled using the Internet workstations.
- The TUB is entitled to prevent the recall of services, which are either youth endangering or offend against elements of crime (especially §§ 123 and following of the German Penal Code: e.g. instructions for offences, glorification of violence, encouragement to racial hatred, diffusion of pornographical scripts). On suspicion of misuse the TUB is entitled to take control measures and to interdict the use of the Internet within its premises
- Library-related use of the Internet takes priority of other uses.
- The download of free documents and data files on brought data carrier is free of charge. Copying texts, images, software, etc. you have to respect the copyright.
- Brought or downloaded software must neither be installed nor run on the computers of the TUB.
- The TUB is not liable for the quality, operativeness, and virus cleanness of recalled data.