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Information for people with disabilities

Barrier-free access to the library

Please note that the entrance door to the TU Library can currently only be opened by hand, as the area is without electricity. If you need help to open the door, please let us know and call us on 040 428 78 2845!

The main entrance to the library is accessible via two ramps:

  1. Niemannstraße corner Kasernenstrasse
  2. Denickestraße: The ramp leads to the cafeteria. Take the elevator to level 0. The library is located directly across from the building exit. Please note, the elevator stops operating at 8pm.

Access via parking garage Denickestraße 22

The parking garage is accessible until 8pm. Please take the elevator to the main auditorium and cafeteria 2 to Level 0. The library is located directly across from the building exit.


The building of the library (TUB) is equipped with an elevator and a disabled restroom in the library lobby. The restroom can be opened with a Euro key. If this is not available, it can be borrowed from the service desk during service hours.

In the reading room not all shelves may be accessible, if you are handicapped esp. if you are using a wheelchair. Please contact our library staff, who will be happy to fetch any book for you. Our self check devices for checking and returning books are adjustable in height and display.

Tailored Services

If you require special assistance in the use of the University Library, please contact our contact persons.


User Servies:

Commissioner Accessibility:

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