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Most of our books situated in the reading rooms and the closed stack are for loan. Periodicals, standards, loose-leafs however are for reading room use only and can not be checked out.

For borrowing and ordering literature you need your valid library card. Books stocked in the reading rooms and in the textbook collection can be taken from the shelf directly and checked out at our loan desks or by our self-check systems.

Books from in the closed stacks can be ordered via the catalog. As soon as your book is ready on the collection shelf, you will receive an email and the ordered book will be marked as ‘ready for collection’ in your library account. You can borrow the book from the self-check-in desk within seven weekdays. After that, it will be returned to the stacks.

Loan Period and Renewals

Books can be checked out for four weeks. If the item is not on reserved and the loan period didn`t pass by, the loan period can be renewed eight times. After that, the book must be returned. It may be checked out again, if it is not on reserve.

Renewals are best conducted in your Library Account.

Please supply your library card number and the books you would like to renew, if you want to apply for renewal by

  • email: ausleihe@tuhh.de
  • mail: Universitätsbibliothek der TUHH, Ausleihe, Denickestr. 22, 21073 Hamburg

In case a renewal is not possible, you will be notified.


You can make a reservation for media, which are taken out at the moment. Click to the appropriate button in the catalog. The reservation is free. When the media is back you will get a message and it will then be ready for you on the pick-up shelf (next to the service desks) for seven days.


Books of our library can be returned at our self-check machines. No library card is needed. In the evenings and on the weekend a return box is additionally available inside the library for interlibrary loan and books of Staats- and Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg. Books may be returned by mail at your own risk.

Books which are taken out here may be returned to Staats- und Universtätsbibliothek Hamburg as well. Vice versa books of Staats- und Universtätsbibliothek Hamburg may be returned at the loan desk of University Library of TUHH – in the evening and at the weekend please use our white return box at the entrance.

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