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Survival Guide : exploring databases and their user interfaces

Searching electronic text-oriented databases

  1. Search Term Diagram
    What am I searching anyway? What are the most important concepts of my topic?
  2. Content of a Database
    Which information sources or which document types are covered in the database?
    Do I use a fulltext or a reference database?
  3. Dialogue with the Database
    Dooes there exist different menues for searching? Is it possible to search command-driven?
  4. Database Structure
    Which indexes, which special database fields, are searchable in the database?
  5. Search Terms
    Which search terms do I get from my search term diagram? Synonyms? Abbrevations? Inflections? Which truncation or wildcard symbols (?$*) are possible (right-hand, left-hand truncation, within a word)?
    Problems with umlauts and special characters? Language of the search terms?
  6. Freetext/Keyword Searching or Subject Searching with Controlled Vocabulary?
    What is more profitable to my topic? It is better to use free search terms or to use
  7. Search Logic
    Which search logic is available for retrieval? Boolean logic (and, or, not) or a best-match-method (relevance ranking)? Is the use of brackets possible?
  8. Context, Neighbourhood, Adjacency, or Proximity Operators, Phrase Search
    Which possibilities does the system offer in this field? Can I search for a term directly followed by another term (phrase search) or for two terms who occur in the same database field e.g. in the descriptor field?
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