Update 21.11.17: D-17-200 and D-17-194 contracts until 31.12.2020. Applications until 5.12.17
Hamburg wants Open Science! And we want competent people who work with us on this for the TU Hamburg. Initially for 12 months, but hopefully two more years afterwards.
Deadline for applications is 29.11.2017
With the Hamburg Open Science (HOS) programme, Hamburg is implementing a strategy for the expansion of Open Access and Open Science that has been developed across universities. The University of Hamburg (UHH), the Technical University of Hamburg (TUHH), the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW) and many other universities are involved. From 2018 onwards, implementation will be carried out jointly in the institutions within the framework of the following four programme lines: Open Access publications, research data management, research information systems and the design of digital cultural change.
The TUHH Open Science (TOS) project group is being set up at the TUHH for research data management and research information system. This is also where the HOS research data management program line is managed.
The targets for 2018 are:
- Conception and implementation of a prototype for a research information system based on the open source software DSpace-CRIS.
- Conception and implementation of a prototype for an institutional research data repository also based on the open source software DSpace-CRIS.
We are looking for four new research assistants with know-how and a desire for university, open science and the beautiful city of Hamburg with the following focal points:
- Teamleitung und Projektsteuerung mit Schwerpunkt Forschungsinformationssystem E14 TV-L
→ Stellenausschreibung D-17-200 - Konzeption und Aufbau des Forschungsdatenrepositories E13 TV-L
→ Stellenausschreibung D-17-199 - Konzeption und Aufbau Forschungsdateninformationssystem und Forschungsdatenrepository E13 TV-L
→ Stellenausschreibung D-17-198 - IT-Konzept, Aufbau und Administration (Rechenzentrum) E13 TV-L
→ Stellenausschreibung D-17-194
Information on Hamburg Open Science
- Forschungsergebnisse für alle zugänglich machen: Senat beschließt das Programm Hamburg Open Science. 26. September 2017 14:00 Uhr Pressemitteilung
- Antrag Senat Drucksache 21/10485 26.09.2017